The Annual Meeting 2021 of China Thermal Spraying Association Successfully Held in Shanghai
Date: 2021-11-02 13:21:53    Views: 1140

Although some 100 covid cases nationwide recently in China and government advises to lessen travel and conference, almost 300 people attended 2021 China Thermal Spray Committee's annual meeting in Shanghai. CEO of UCT Penn Jia gave the presentation of UCT newly developed rota-arc spraying system. And with a great pleasure, Penn Jia got a chance to photo with his old friend and mentor professor Jianhua Wu from Wuhan Institute of Material Protection. Professor Wu suffered from Covid in early 2020 right in the beginning period of the pandemic outbreak in Wuhan and after 3 months in hospital he revived from death line.

At the end of the meeting, 300 Participants took a group photo of a happy reunion.

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